Monday, October 7, 2013
This isn't exactly a Foldable, but it could definitely be turned into one. Caricatures are a fun way for kids to describe what they have learned about a particular person or group of people. They could definitely be a part of any Foldable!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Stapleless Book
The following book is so simple to make, and your students will enjoy the fact that it is simple and small. Dinah Zike, the foldable lady of Comfort, Texas, is known to say, "Children like to make things that are smaller than normal and larger than average." This is one of those 'smaller' Foldables. My students love making the stapleless book using loose leaf paper because they can turn it to the side and have lines to write on as they create their book.
1. Fold paper in half like a hotdog.
2. Fold paper in half and in half again like a hamburger.
3. Open up hamburger folds.
4. Using scissors, cut/shave the fold line from the first fold, to the middle fold, and then to the last fold line.
5. Refold the paper so that the open cut forms a plus sign.
6. Press down the folds, and fold over so that it forms the book you see below.
Here is a site I found that shows directions with photos-
Happy folding!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Foldables NOW!
So, it's SOL time and students are reviewing the material we have covered this year in preparation for the BIG TEST.
Want to hear something amazing? They are using their FOLDABLES! It is the most exciting thing, to see the students reach into their binders and pull out a foldable to review with!
Want to hear something even MORE amazing? They have learned so many foldable techniques that they are now creating their own review foldables as well!
Way to go, kids! I'm so proud of you!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
We're Back!
WE'RE BACK! Yes, We know what your thinking: "Why don't they update their blog?" Well, building a house, having a baby, and just the typical, day to day, fast-paced, routine can cause even the most organized teacher to "get behind." Several weeks ago, I clicked on our Foldable blog and saw an astounding 7,000+ visitors to our site. I was overjoyed-to say the least. I quickly emailed Amy, and we have commited ourselves to posting more regularly. We both continue to create Foldables with our students, and YES, we still believe in their ability to help students sort, categorize, and learn required infomation. I am always looking for a new way to use Foldables, and with the start of 2012, we hope to provide you with some new ideas for your classroom, too.
With that said, I recently discovered that Dinah Zike has her very own YouTube Channel. She has uploaded at least a dozen videos-all about Foldables. Several summers ago, I had the honor of attend a 3 day workshop in Dinah's hometown of Comfort, Texas. Meeting Dinah was exciting, and each year, I always share this with my students. "Mrs. Sprinkle knows the Foldable lady-Dinah Zike." My sixth graders love that! Anyway, one of Dinah's videos is called, "Dinah Zike's History - From 3D Graphic Organizers to Foldables." I thought I would start my first post of the year by introducing you to Dinah with this video. For those of you that already use Foldables in your classroom to those that are just learning, I think you will enjoy hearing Dinah introduce how Foldables came to be.
Happy New Year,
With that said, I recently discovered that Dinah Zike has her very own YouTube Channel. She has uploaded at least a dozen videos-all about Foldables. Several summers ago, I had the honor of attend a 3 day workshop in Dinah's hometown of Comfort, Texas. Meeting Dinah was exciting, and each year, I always share this with my students. "Mrs. Sprinkle knows the Foldable lady-Dinah Zike." My sixth graders love that! Anyway, one of Dinah's videos is called, "Dinah Zike's History - From 3D Graphic Organizers to Foldables." I thought I would start my first post of the year by introducing you to Dinah with this video. For those of you that already use Foldables in your classroom to those that are just learning, I think you will enjoy hearing Dinah introduce how Foldables came to be.
Happy New Year,
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Australia Foldable

I teach one sixth grade World Cultures class and have actually planned the curriculum around the creation of Foldables. With every place we learn about, students create a different Foldable. So, by the end of the term, learners leave with an array of portfolio work. Each nine weeks, students begin the class with a brief overview of Australia. We watch a short informative video, read handouts, learn a little about Aussie slang terms, plan a small group Outback safari, and complete both political and physical map work about the island nation. The Australian Foldable is the most basic of Foldables, but the results are often well beyond my expectations. My third nine week rotation was no different, and as seen in the above photos, you can clearly see this student's ability to incorporate her love of drawing with learning about Australia. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share this awesome Foldable!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Latest Foldable Fun
The students in my class have been working very hard on using foldables to show what they know! Even then most basic of folds have enabled the students to produce valuable tools for studying. Here are some new pictures of foldables we have been working on! Enjoy!
The picture to the left is of a foldable the students worked on in partners to review George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. The students drew a picture of their president and sorted sentence strips that had key information about each president on them. We stapled the two foldables together to display them like a "Battleship" game where one side showed the information on George Washington and the other side showed the information on Abraham Lincoln. The students really enjoyed doing this foldable! 
The picture to the right is of a Famous American review foldable using a shutter fold. The students were given an oversized paper with the names already printed on the outside and a black and white picture of the famous people on the inside. The students were asked to draw pictures to show what they know about each of the Famous Americans on the outside. On the inside, they sorted phrase cards that contained riddle-like clues (for example: "I had a dream that one day all people would be treated equally, regardless of race." for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.). Some students (keep in mind that they are 2nd graders) were very detailed in their drawings. I was very impressed with the success of this foldable. Parents were appreciative, too, because they could use the information within the foldable to practice for the unit test.
The pictures in the center below are from the fractions foldable we have recently constructed. The students created a graphic organizer on which each page tehy displayed the word and number forms and the picture associations of fractions of a shape and fractions of a group for fractions 1 whole, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, and 1/10. The great thing about this foldable is that the pages are all different colors, the circles were pre-divided (so the students didn't have to spend too much time trying to figure out how to draw the lines so that they are "right"), and the students could trace one portion of the whole to show the fraction we were considering. We have displayed these foldables in the hallway because they are so bright and fun and the students really worked hard on them!

Friday, February 5, 2010
Foldables, Foldables Everywhere

I couldn't resist sharing these two photos of Foldables in use. Amy Mallow, a contributing author to the blog, shared these samples of Foldables. I loved how she created the Foldable, photocopied it for students, and allowed them to fold, cut, and fill in the answers. Students appreciate this as the "shell" has already been completed. Notice how the Foldable was added to student Interactive Notebooks for easy access and review when needed. Foldables make a great addition to Interactive Notebooks. Amy states, "I have been using Foldables left and right with my second graders. They LOVE them, and I have noticed that they refer back to them when we're talking about something we've made with a Foldable." Parents appreciate Foldables too because they are a great way to help their children prepare for tests and quizzes.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Foldables: Beyond the Basics
On Monday, January 11, several Bedford County teachers will participate in a two hour Foldable workshop. This session is a full, 'make-it, take-it' event designed to give teachers time to create Foldables for use with their students. Participants will be shown several advanced Foldables that are sure to spark creativity as they construct their own samples. Access to computers and a printer will also be provided.
Thanks to Mrs. Amy Mallow for your valuable elementary Foldable expertise. Your help was greatly appreciated by all workshop attendees.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School Foldable Workshop
Teachers at Thomas Jefferson Elementary School will have an introduction to Foldables workshop on Foldables on Wednesday, December 9 after school. With the holiday season and new year fast approaching, it is nice to have new ideas to use with our students. It is so easy for students to get distracted during this time of the year, and Foldables are a great way to keep learners engaged. Workshop participants will be introduced to these 3-D graphic organizers, learn a few tricks of the trade, and leave with a "Recipe Book" of ideas for immediate use in the classroom. All involved teachers are sure to enjoy a "Make-It, Take-It" style workshop.
Participants who post a comment on the Foldable Blog describing what Foldable you used and how you used it with your students will receive 2 recertification points. The deadline for posting your Foldable comment is January 30.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Foldables with Tabs

As we begin our new school year and settle down into a routine, students are probably getting familiar with the concept of creating Foldables. A good type of Foldable that students enjoy creating is one with tabs. From a two-tab to a ten-tab Foldable, students are able to make connections with a specific topic as each tab is labeled, colored, and information added under the fold. Check out these great Tab Foldable work samples! Thanks to Kathryn Howe and Heather Davis for their student work samples.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
New Foldable Book Published

As August rolls in and we begin to readjust our schedules and get motivated for a new school year, I thought I would introduce Dinah's new Foldable book. It's called---"Dinah Zike's Notebook Foldables for Spirals, Binders, and Composition Books." This is an absolutely great find for any subject area, especially for teachers using the Interactive Notebook approach to learning. This latest book includes all of Dinah's Foldables and how to adapt them for use within the notebook setting. Dinah's full color examples along with reproducible graphics make it easy for any teacher to implement in the classroom. I know I have personally gathered multiple ideas that I will use this year with my new group of United States History students. This book comes with an added bonus---a CD. The disk includes reproducible pages ready for teachers to resize and add graphics and text to. I can't wait to dig into this book and CD. The cost is $24.95 and may be purchased online at
Friday, July 17, 2009
Foldable Holdables

Have you ever thought, "I wish there were a place my students could store their Foldables, so they would not get lost?" Yes, we have probably all thought this same idea. Never fear. There is a simple solution for all of us. Take a gallon size, Ziploc bag, run clear, wide tape down one side and cut to fit. Three-hole punch the side with tape. You have just created a "Foldable Holdable!" All Foldables, no matter their size will fit into this bag, and students can store them in their binders. My students never (well, almost never) lose a Foldable they have stored in this bag.
Photo contribution: Amy Mallow (Thanks, Amy!)
Monday, February 9, 2009
Foldables II
On Monday, February 9, nine educators from across Bedford County, Virginia attended a Foldables II workshop. They were given valuable work time creating Foldables for immediate use with their students. Attendees worked through the evening folding, cutting, writing, and adding information to Foldables. Teachers/staff were given time to create Foldables for their students. Creating projects for students takes great thought and time. The workshop allowed everyone to create student-centered Foldables for their students no matter their grade and subject level.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Foldables I
Last night at Bedford Science and Technology Center, teachers from across the county attended a 3-hour Foldables workshop. During this session, teachers learned the basics of making Foldables. Participants created many Foldables, including basic folds like a Folded Book and Three-Quarter Book and more advanced Foldables like Standing Cubes and the Side-Tab Notebook fold. The workshop had all levels of education in attendance. From several high school Biology teachers, a French instructor, a guidance counselor, a instructional technology teacher, and first and third grade teachers, all participants were able to see the use of Foldables with their students. One participant stated, "I can see students excited about using Foldables because they are constantly moving and manipulating a product they created." Foldables truly assist students in their learning!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Foldables-A Strategy for Learning at Forest Elementary School
On Wednesday, November 5, 2008, FES will participate in a Foldables workshop. Participants will learn the basics of Foldable making and how they can assit students with learning material. Foldables are adaptable at any grade level and across all subject areas. FES faculty will leave with multiple ideas for immediate use with their students--all housed in one 11X17 Shutterfold book. Participants are sure to enjoy this Make-It, Take-It style workshop.
Participants who post a comment on the Foldable Blog describing what Foldable you used and how you used it with your students will receive 3 recertification points. The deadline for posting your Foldable comment is December 12.
Tuesday Folder Foldable
Monday, while I was filing Tuesday Folder papers to be sent home, I came across one sixth grade students' Tom Sawyer book report Foldable project. At first sight, this project looked like any other report, but when I opened it up, a pop-up book appeared. Actually, it had multiple pages that had been glued together. With each page, there were multiple pop-ups. Each page showed the infamous scenes from the novel along with the sixth graders review, interpretation, and summary of what they had read. I was very impressed with this eleven year olds' work. This project made me realize that Foldables allow students to individualize their work. Students may be learning the same material, but Foldables allow students to create unique projects that are different from other students in their class. I took my 'Big Book of United States History Foldables' completely apart, placed them in clear pocket sleeves, and put them in a binder for students to view and get ideas from. By doing this, students can choose the Foldable they would like to make without damaging my book.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
BSPC Foldables Workshop
Teachers and staff from BCPS will participate in a 3-hour Foldables workshop on October 14, 2008. This Make-It, Take-It style workshop will allow participants to make multiple Foldables of various styles. From folded books and shutter folds to four-door books, tab folds, and three-quarter books, teachers and staff will leave with an arsenal of Foldables and ideas for use with students at their own schools. Participants are sure to enjoy a fun afternoon of making their own Foldables.
In order to earn 7 recertification points, participants need to verify their use a Foldable. First, post a comment on the Foldables blog that includes how you used a Foldable with your students. Include: 1. What Foldable did you use with students? 2. What was the purpose of the Foldable? 3. How do you think the Foldable project assisted students in learning required material?
You have the option of earning an extra recertification point, for a total of 8 points, if you email me a photo sample of the Foldable you created. My email address is
***Please note: If you are an administrator or other staff member and do not have direct contact with students, your comment will include: 1. How do you feel Foldables can assist students with learning required material? 2. Which Foldable did you like best? Why? You can also earn an extra recertification point by emailing me a photo sample of a Foldable that you, yourself, finished. Or, you can share an idea with a teacher at your school and send me a photo of a finished Foldable from their work with students.
Making Foldable projects with my students is one of my favorite parts of teaching. It is my hope that you enjoy the workshop and have fun sharing ideas and making Foldables with your students.
Have fun folding, and let me know if I can be of help in any way.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
VKVs-Visual Kinesthetic Vocabulary
I recently came across this interesting video of Dinah Zike's, (the creator of Foldables), new series of Foldables, VKVs-Visual Kinesthetic Vocabulary. They are, essentially, 3-D word study tools. VKVs would work well when used with ESL and elementary age learners.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Foldables-One School's Success
Forest Middle School, located in Bedford County, Virginia, has adopted the use of Foldables as one of several teaching strategies. We have been using these 3D graphic organizers school-wide since August 2007. We believe this strategy has greatly enhanced student learning. Students create the Foldable, so they assume ownership of their work from the start. Foldables also allow students to complete the same activity yet be creative and different from their peers. Establishing ownership of their work produces better student learners. How do you think Foldables help your students?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Foldable Slideshow
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
During the summer of 2007, I traveled to Comfort, Texas to Dinah Zike's Foldable Academy. While there, I experienced, first hand, the wonderful world of Foldables. Dinah Zike's creation of three-dimensional graphic organizers are amazing. I had been using Foldables in the classroom with middle school students since 2001, but meeting Dinah Zike and her team of Foldable experts opened my eyes to new ways of using Foldables with students. My three day emersion workshop sessions allowed me to work with other teachers from across the United States and Mexico. My enthusiasm for creating and using Foldables with my students increased tenfold. And that is where the idea for this blog came about. Many thanks to Dinah for opening your academy, sharing your expertise, and making my trip wonderful. Foldables are awesome, and I hope to use this blog to share them with other educators.
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