Teachers at Thomas Jefferson Elementary School will have an introduction to Foldables workshop on Foldables on Wednesday, December 9 after school. With the holiday season and new year fast approaching, it is nice to have new ideas to use with our students. It is so easy for students to get distracted during this time of the year, and Foldables are a great way to keep learners engaged. Workshop participants will be introduced to these 3-D graphic organizers, learn a few tricks of the trade, and leave with a "Recipe Book" of ideas for immediate use in the classroom. All involved teachers are sure to enjoy a "Make-It, Take-It" style workshop.
Participants who post a comment on the Foldable Blog describing what Foldable you used and how you used it with your students will receive 2 recertification points. The deadline for posting your Foldable comment is January 30.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge of foldables with us yesterday, Melinda! Today my class made a 4-door foldable as part of our Weather unit. We folded large white drawing paper hot-dog style leaving about a 2-inch space at the bottom for the title: "The Water Cycle." After cutting the flaps, we labeled them: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, and Collection. The students, then, illustrated each stage of the water cycle under the appropriate flap. The children enjoyed this activity and were highly engaged in learning. A few needed peer assistance, but most followed along well. We could create a similar foldable for clouds, storms, and weather instruments. A shutter-fold might be used to create a weather vocabulary foldable. Thanks, again, for your visit to TJES!
Sue Conner
I am always amazed with student Foldables. My middle school students always impress me with their creativity. I always like to create the shell of the foldable myself, and I will often photocopy it for students. They like getting key information already on their tabs. Giving kids time to work during class work time also allows me to check for student understanding, and students get ideas from each other as well. Let me know if I can ever be of assistance.
The Layered "Look Book" that we made will be a useful tool to have in regards to foldables.
We made a 4 Door Foldable on the water cycle. We included key vocabulary, pictures, and specific examples for each step of the water cycle. This will be a useful resource for my students when they study for their test.
My class just completed a foldable with pictures and descriptions about 3 Virginians that contributed during the Revolutionary War - Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and George Washington. They seemed to enjoy the project and it helped them organize the information. It also help them put a "face" with the person. Thanks for the workshop and all the ideas!
Faith Dauer
4th Grade Teacher/ TJES
I love using foldables in second grade. Our class just finished making a Six-Door Book to help us learn our weather words. We put 6 weather words and pictures on the separate front flaps. When the flap is open you can read the definition of the vocabulary word. It's amazing how such a simple learning tool can make learning so much more enjoyable. I am looking forward to making lots more foldables.
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